Friday, May 6, 2011

NEW Portable Solar Generator

POWER OUTAGE? FORGET DANGEROUS GAS GENERATORS NEXT POWER OUTAGE GO SOLAR! NEW Solar Powered Backup System Provides Instant Electrical Power In Any Outage Or Disaster. Even Better Backup Kit Produces An Endless Supply Of Electricity For Free! There is a now a completely portable (and ultra-high efficient) solar power generator which produces up to 1800 watts of household electricity on demand when you need it most. News of this solar backup generator (its the first off-the-grid breakthrough in 50 years) is spreading like wildfire all across the country! Why? The answer is easy. You see, this solar generator is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever. It emits no fumes. But the best part about the solar generator is that it Generates Free Electricity! It's a complete, ready to use unit. No worries about buying parts or supplies. This unit is ready to go! Please go to the website for more info on how to order You'll be glad you did!

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